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Federal Trade Commission inquiry could eventually lead to overhaul of prescription drug rebate system


Federal Trade Commission inquiry could eventually lead to overhaul of prescription drug rebate system

In June, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) voted unanimously (5-0) to examine rising list prices of insulin, but also to probe possible anti-competitive practices by pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) with respect to the use of rebate arrangements. Rebates are payments from drug manufacturers to PBMs in exchange for moving market share towards so-called preferred products on the formulary.


The FTC has specifically cited instances in which cheaper generics and biosimilars are excluded from PBM formularies, as this may violate competition and consumer protection laws.

The FTC inquiry into pharmacy benefit manager (PBM) practices could lead to legal action prohibiting certain rebate practices. In turn, this could induce major changes in the U.S. rebate system. Formulary management could become increasingly value- or outcomes-based, rather than simply a function of a financial power play between drug makers and PBMs. Or, rebates could fall by the wayside altogether, to be replaced by a combination of upfront discounts in lieu of rebates and value-based pricing arrangements. Partnering with Lyfegen may be the solution for manufacturers and payers alike, as its platform can put users on the right track towards successful implementation of value-based pricing arrangements.

The FTC has warned of legal action against PBMs if its inquiries find proof of anti-competitive practices. Here, the agency raised the stakes when it included terms like “commercial bribery” in its statements to describe what it perceives as anti-competitive rebates in the insulin market.

The latest FTC inquiries follow a recent investigation by Senators Grassley (R-Iowa) and Wyden (D-Oregon), which blamed rebate schemes for much of what ails the prescription drug market. Furthermore, nearly two years ago, Senator Klobuchar (D-Minnesota) and colleagues commissioned the General Accounting Office (GAO) to examine rebates. The GAO report is due out this fall.

PBMs receive rebates from drug manufacturers in exchange for preferred positioning on the formulary, which in turn drives market share. Experts have criticized rebates for the fact that payers often don’t base their decisions to include a drug on comparative clinical- and cost-effectiveness. Rather, decisions are strictly based on financial terms, namely which manufacturer offers a higher rebate payment to the PBM; a financial power play in which PBMs may threaten not to cover certain drugs if they don’t get the rebate they want. This applies to insulin as well as numerous other therapeutic categories.

What’s worse is when rebate traps or walls are involved. Branded manufacturers leverage their position as market leaders by offering financial incentives to PBMs and health insurers in the form of “all or nothing” conditional volume-based rebates, in exchange for (virtually) exclusive positioning on the formulary. This can mean keeping competitors off the formulary entirely, or severely limiting formulary access to a competing drug with drug utilization management tools like step edits. Here, a patient must use a preferred drug and fail on it (a so-called “fail-first” policy) before “stepping up” to a non-preferred drug.

Because the portion of the rebate retained by PBMs is often calculated as a percentage of a drug’s list price, PBMs can have incentives to establish formularies that favor branded drugs with higher list prices and larger rebates over lower priced biosimilars, specialty generics, or even branded competitors. Rival drugs entering the market lack sufficient sales volume to be able to offer the same level of rebates to PBMs that originator firms can provide.

Proof of the establishment of anti-competitive practices could lead to legal action being taken against PBMs. The question then becomes what would replace rebates? Payers may establish an entirely different formulary management system that is more value-based. Surely, it would be a system that’s less contingent on the role of the financial power play between drug makers and PBMs.

In areas such as immunotherapy targeting certain cancers, cell and gene therapy, and rheumatology, there are already a growing number of value-based agreements.

Girisha Fernando, CEO and Founder of Lyfegen, which offers a platform to track value-based agreements with real-world data, said that many outcomes-based deals are kept secret and therefore under the radar, so to speak. Commercial payers generally don’t share publicly what types of value-based deals they have with drug companies to maintain their competitive advantage. Yet, in an interview with Endpoints News Fernando stated that he’s observed at least a 300% increase in value-based agreements over the last five years. The Lyfegen Platform enables more efficient and transparent management of value-based drug pricing contracts by using intelligent algorithms to capture and analyze patient-level drug cost data.

Fallout from the FTC inquiry – should rebates be identified as anti-competitive - may entail further increases in value-based dealmaking.

About the author

Cohen is a health economist with more than 25 years of experience analyzing, publishing, and presenting on drug and diagnostic pricing and reimbursement, as well as healthcare policy reform initiatives. For 21 years, Cohen was an academic at Tufts University, the University of Pennsylvania, and the University of Amsterdam. Currently, and for the past five years, Cohen is an independent healthcare analyst n a variety of research, teaching, speaking, editing, and writing projects.


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Healthcare providers hold real-world evidence about a drug’s value. How to convince them to share the data?


Healthcare providers hold real-world evidence about a drug’s value. How to convince them to share the data?

With the right tools, healthcare providers can collect real-world evidence about a drug’s value and benefit. How do we convince them to share the data through value-based purchasing arrangements?


In the U.S., lawmakers, payers, and the public are putting pressure on healthcare providers to help transform the healthcare system in the U.S. Despite resistance from healthcare providers to abandon traditional fee-for-service models, the U.S. healthcare industry continues trending towards the adoption of value-based payment models. This transformation includes the ambitious but necessary goals of producing better public health outcomes, decreasing health disparities, increasing affordability for patients, and decreasing the cost of healthcare overall.

At the heart of value-based pharmaceutical pricing is collecting the right data to measure and assess the benefit of a treatment. Real-world evidence is needed to determine a drug’s contribution to health outcomes. As workers on the front lines, healthcare providers are in an excellent position to collect data on a drug’s performance. With this information, decision-makers can arrive at a drug price that reflects its true value to patient health outcomes.

Patients are having trouble paying for their prescriptions

A 2019 Kaiser Family Foundation Health Tracking Poll revealed three out of ten patients surveyed—ages 50 to 64 years old—stated they had difficulty paying for their medications. Drug prices, price increases, and copays and deductibles are preventing some patients from starting, or continuing, the treatments they need.

In the U.S., hospital system clinicians and independent physician practices are expected to choose the best treatments for their patients without consideration of the patient’s insurance coverage status. Providers often have little to no idea of the costs their patients will bear without insurance, after insurance deductibles and copays are met, or after a drug maker’s patient assistance program intervenes.

A patient’s cost-related nonadherence may include not filling prescriptions, skipping doses, taking a lower dose than prescribed, and experimenting with non-prescription, over-the-counter treatments; these strategies affect patient health outcomes.

When patients are already struggling to cover prescription costs, they can’t afford to waste money on low-quality treatments that are ineffective or of little benefit to their health outcomes. Providers also don’t want to waste time with treatments that don’t produce better health outcomes. Therefore, most healthcare providers are open to exploring value-based pharmaceutical purchasing agreements that can allow access to newer, more effective treatments that patients can afford.

The benefits of value-based purchasing arrangements for healthcare providers and patients

Healthcare providers willing to enter value-based pharmaceutical purchasing arrangements are rewarded with many benefits, including:

• Improved quality of care and better health outcomes for patients

Providers in value-based purchasing arrangements gather real-world evidence of the effectiveness of a drug. They collect data that reveal which treatments are the most clinically effective and which add little or no value to patient health outcomes. This could lead to new insights into best practices and new clinical guidelines and protocols.

• Increased access to innovative, more effective treatments

Under value-based purchasing arrangements, providers and patients can gain access to brand new, high-cost prescription drugs. Real-world data gathered during contract implementation reveal the new drug’s benefit to health outcomes. Value-based purchasing can also encourage providers to try other lower-cost treatment options like biosimilars and new generics.

• Greater operational efficiency and reduced overall cost of healthcare

Identifying and eliminating low-value treatments through value-based arrangements reduces the waste of resources and time for both providers and patients. The provider’s clinical operations can become more efficient and cost-effective, with positive effects on revenue and patient satisfaction.

Healthcare providers have concerns about value-based purchasing arrangements

Despite the upside, providers are wary; value-based purchasing arrangements are complex. They require careful consideration of what metrics are to be measured. Stakeholder partners must navigate a new level of transparency and data sharing. And naturally, each partner in the agreement wants to include as many protective contingencies clauses as they can think of.

Providers want to be sure implementation of the agreement doesn’t become an untenable administrative burden for their staff. There are concerns about the technology upgrades needed to collect, protect, and analyze the data generated by value-based purchasing agreements. Will there be interoperability issues with the existing electronic medical records system? How will the data be interpreted and presented to provide actionable insights?

The safest and easiest way to overcome these barriers and get help to operationalize value-based purchasing agreements is to use a vendor partner with a customizable software solution.

The Lyfegen software solution

Lyfegen created a software solution that addresses these concerns about shifting from fee-for-service payment models to value-based purchasing arrangements. We help healthcare providers, insurances, pharma, and medtech companies implement and scale value-based contracts for specialty drugs with greater efficiency and transparency.

The Lyfegen Platform collects real-world data and uses intelligent algorithms to provide valuable insights on drug performance and cost in value-based contracts. In supporting the transition from volume-based to value-based purchasing arrangements, Lyfegen increases affordability and access to health treatments for patients.

To learn more about Lyfegen’s value-based contracting platform, book a demo.


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How to overcome hurdles to implement value-based pricing


How to overcome hurdles to implement value-based pricing

The transition to value-based care is happening at a slower pace than policymakers and healthcare industry leaders had hoped. Stakeholders are struggling to negotiate and then operationalize these complex agreements.


The adoption of value-based drug pricing agreements is not widespread in the U.S., despite the stated strong interest from policymakers and the healthcare industry in tying the price of drugs to their benefit to patient outcomes and value to the health system. Outside of the government Medicare and Medicaid programs, the fee-for-service, volume-based payment model still accounted for almost 56% of commercial health payer contracts as of 2018.

Many value-based pharmaceutical arrangements are not disclosed publicly, making it difficult to know how many are implemented in the U.S. each year. According to the trade group Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA), there were 73 publicly disclosed value-based drug contracts at the end of 2019. A study published the same year in the American Journal of Managed Care (AJMC) suggested that, because of the confidentiality surrounding most agreements, analysts are underestimating the number of value-based pricing arrangements in effect and their impact on the U.S. pharmaceutical market.

In this article, we will highlight some concerns a payer and manufacturer considering a value-based drug pricing arrangement may each face, and give some insight into why these agreements aren't more widely accepted.

Payers modeling risk

A 2019 survey by the National Pharmaceutical Council (NPC) and the Duke-Margolis Center for Health policy showed that for payers, top deal-breakers in negotiations for value-based pricing arrangements were disagreements over incentive mechanisms for participation and financial terms. From the payer’s standpoint, a new, high-cost drug–especially one that addresses unmet needs or rare and orphan diseases–is worth the risk if it brings innovative, effective treatment for patients who may have no other options. But payers want to share that risk with the manufacturer when there’s the potential for a substantial impact on the payer’s budget.

Based on publicly available information, oncology, hematology, cardiology, and endocrinology drug treatments are common subjects of value-based pricing arrangements. These treatments have well-defined patient populations, easy-to-see impact measures, endpoints, and cures that make them more appealing to payers. It’s much more difficult to objectively measure the patient health outcomes for treatments covering pain management or mental health.

Payers also prefer treatments that show clinical results in a few months, not years. Tracking a patient’s health to confirm a drug’s value becomes more difficult when a drug takes years to show evidence of long-term benefits. For example, a longer-term benefit of treatment may be the avoidance of hospitalization. In the U.S., patients may leave a payer’s plan at any time, so this future cost may not be captured in the data collection under a current agreement.

Related Post: Value-based pricing vs best price? Medicaid's best price problem

Manufacturers sharing risk

When considering coverage of a new drug, payers might question the results of clinical trials, especially if there is limited real-world data because of an expedited FDA approval. So manufacturers must continue to create opportunities to generate real-world evidence that convinces payers of their drug’s value. And they must be ready and willing to share in the risk that a drug may not meet expectations in phase 4 confirmatory trials.

When a new drug has strong competition in the market, manufacturers need real-world evidence to differentiate their product and show their treatment brings better clinical outcomes and value than other options available. Value-based drug pricing agreements are an opportunity to fill that knowledge gap. Pharmaceutical companies not willing to do them to get that real-world evidence may lose out to those who are ready to take on innovative pharmaceutical agreements.

Contract partners building data-gathering and analytics capacity

In the 2019 NPC survey, manufacturers cited data collection challenges and disagreements on outcome measures among their top deal breakers.

Choosing the right contract model to fit the product and the capabilities of the contract partners is the first step. This means researching publicly available value-based drug pricing arrangements to learn the rewards and pitfalls of various contract models. All the contract partners must agree on the key metrics to be measured and how the data will be used to determine a drug’s value to patient health outcomes.

For the data-sharing component of value-based pricing arrangements, contract partners must develop a relationship that includes trust, cooperation, and an unusual level of transparency. Sometimes this relationship is best fostered and protected by the support services of a neutral third party, especially when one or both of the contract partners doesn’t have the technical capacity or administrative staff to operationalize a value-based drug pricing agreement.


The Lyfegen Solution

Value-based drug pricing arrangements are hard, but Lyfegen can make them easier. If your organization is considering a value-based pricing agreement, start by researching real-world examples of drug pricing arrangements in Lyfegen’s Models and Agreements Library. With a collection of more than 20 drug pricing models and over 1000 value-based agreements in use worldwide, the Lyfegen Library can help you discern what pricing arrangement is appropriate for your goals, your current operational capabilities, and your contract partners.

Lyfegen’s value-based contracting software can then operationalize the contract model you choose. We help healthcare insurances, pharma, and medtech companies implement and scale value-based drug pricing contracts with greater efficiency and transparency. The Lyfegen Platform collects real-world data and uses intelligent algorithms to provide valuable insights on drug performance and cost.

By enabling the shift away from volume-based, fee-for-service healthcare to value-based healthcare, Lyfegen increases access to healthcare treatments and their affordability.

To learn more about Lyfegen’s software solutions, contact us to book a demo.


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Indication-specific pricing to make inroads in the U.S.


Indication-specific pricing to make inroads in the U.S.

Signs point to a greater role for indication-specific pricing in Medicare and Medicaid


Indication-specific pricing is a differential pricing method used by payers. Conceptually, it’s based on the idea that certain drugs with multiple indications have differential relative clinical benefit for each indication, or for each distinct patient subpopulation. The rationale behind indication-specific pricing is that the comparative clinical value of a drug can vary widely across indications, accordingly, so should the price if price and value are to align.

The figure below shows the difference between a uniform price – in this case, the price for indication A; green line – applied to all indications versus indication-based pricing.

Figure: Indication-specific pricing


Source: Institute for Clinical and Economic Review


The standard pricing model for pharmaceuticals constitutes a single price across all indications; in this instance, the price for indication A. It’s straightforward, as there is only one price. Besides, it’s the model stakeholders in the healthcare system have been accustomed to for decades. Moving to indication-specific pricing implies different prices for the four indications A, B, C, and D.

The most straightforward approach to indication-specific pricing by payers for a drug approved for, say, two different indications is to simply treat it as two different drugs. This would require two types of packaging, unique sets of National Drug Codes, for instance, for each of the packages, and for injectable drugs, two different Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) J codes.

Indication-specific pricing is appealing because it supports value-based healthcare by aligning price and value. But it’s not an easy task for both drug manufacturers and payers to set indication-specific prices, as this requires patient stratification, and ultimately anchoring of prices to certain measures of cost-effectiveness, such as the cost per Quality-Adjusted-Life-Year (QALY).

Thus far, the use of indication-specific pricing has been limited in the U.S. to several pilot programs. Specifically, the pharmacy benefit manager (PBM) Express Scripts employs indication-specific pricing in number of different classes of cancer drugs, and the PBM CVS Caremark does this for several auto-immune diseases.

According to the PBMs, indication-specific pricing can provide a justification for higher prices for secondary indications that provide greater clinical benefits. In the context of value being assessed, this may help address payer resistance to expanding coverage to include supplemental indications. Partnering with Lyfegen may be the solution for manufacturers and payers alike, as its platform can put users on the right track towards successful implementation of indication-specific pricing arrangements. The Lyfegen platform identifies and operationalizes value-based indication-specific models in a cost-effective manner.

Indication specific pricing could alter prices for the biologic Avastin (bevacizumab), for example, when used for cervical cancer and colon cancer, respectively, depending on the willingness to pay threshold, which in turn may be based on different cost per QALY estimates.

Also, there are differences in the comparative value of the cancer drug Herceptin (trastuzumab) when used in different indications (metastatic versus adjuvant HER-2 positive breast cancer). A possible solution to this problem is for Herceptin to have two prices, one for its metastatic indication, and another for its adjuvant indication.

When Novartis won its groundbreaking CAR-T approval, Kymriah (tisagenlecleucel) in 2018, both the drugmaker and U.S. policymakers at Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) touted performance-based and indication-specific pricing as ways to help finance the $475,000 therapy. Unfortunately, the CMS backed away from a plan to implement a value-based contract for Kymriah. This decision may be revisited, as the pipeline is filled with cell and gene therapies that have large upfront costs for CMS, which must somehow be managed.

Moreover, given the many value-based experiments state Medicaid agencies are currently involved in – from value-based formularies to subscription models for the purchase of hepatitis C medications – this could spur more use of indication-specific pricing in Medicaid.

New “best price” rules in Medicaid went into effect July 1, 2022. The reason for changes in best price rules is to induce more use of value-based contract arrangements, including indication-specific pricing. Newly established protocols allow for the reporting of multiple best prices.

Specifically, to facilitate the broad adoption of these types of contracts, the novel best price rule allows drug manufacturers to report a range of best prices to the extent they may be determined by varying discounts under value-based pricing arrangements, along with the regular best price under any non-value-based pricing arrangements.

Here, value-based pricing arrangements are outcomes-based contracts which vary rebates based on patient outcomes. This can be stratified by indication. In this context, lower discounts may be offered for patients with better-than-expected outcomes in certain indications, and higher discounts for poorer outcomes and lower-than-expected clinical effectiveness of a drug in one or more indications.

About the author

Cohen is a health economist with more than 25 years of experience analyzing, publishing, and presenting on drug and diagnostic pricing and reimbursement, as well as healthcare policy reform initiatives. For 21 years, Cohen was an academic at Tufts University, the University of Pennsylvania, and the University of Amsterdam. Currently, and for the past five years, Cohen is an independent healthcare analyst and consultant on a variety of research, teaching, speaking, editing, and writing projects.


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How Lyfegen’s value-based contracting platform was inspired by Airbnb


How Lyfegen’s value-based contracting platform was inspired by Airbnb

How Lyfegen improved user experience and satisfaction through user interface design optimization

When was the last time you used a business software or platform with a seamless user experience? Was it fun? Was it visually appealing? Probably not.


In this article, we consider the benefits of drastically improving the user experience of contracting software with examples of companies that have taken this step and inspired Lyfegen.

Contracting Software

Contracting software has usually been perceived as boring and unsophisticated, until recently. It takes careful application of innovation, user empathy, and design thinking to create unique, memorable experiences. Contracting software should focus on providing a pleasant user experience, especially when it is about patients. It takes away a whole lot of burden from the users while providing the most value.

There are new innovative designs of forms, pages, and workflows that keep users engaged and satisfied. Enjoyable contracting software should provide the most value while reducing the negative impacts.

Why great user experience is paramount to user satisfaction

Lyfegen takes cues from consumer web applications where innovation thrives. In 2020, Lyfegen conducted a big user experience review, where our product team needed to get to the bottom of what can make using the platform more enjoyable. “Why can't my business software look and feel enjoyable?" At Lyfegen we think that it can and it should. Every software should look and feel enjoyable.

We learned how users interact with the approval workflow using real-world data and feedback from customers. With these learnings, we further optimize the user experience and address issues or concerns that appear consistently. Users will bring expectations raised by consumer apps to their business applications. In response, we raise the bar to make work software equally appealing.

Lyfegen makes the whole process a breeze by rewarding customers with an amazing design experience, stepping up the game by making value-based contracting fun.

Some successful real-world examples

In consumer web applications, there are so many companies that are making drastic changes from the old design patterns to newer more innovative designs. These brands took the bold step of doing things differently while still providing the desired results. These are also the ones that Lyfegen took inspiration from.

1. Airbnb enables contracts between guests and hosts.


- Big beautiful imagery. People, smiles, quirky architecture.

- Emotional scenes that make you want to be there: cottage in the woods, hut on the beach, or a comfy townhouse.


But also clever UX: Forms disguised as slick toolbars. Generous date pickers that are easy to click


2. enables contracts between car buyers and sellers.


- Sensible defaults bootstrap your car search with a single click.

- Common search patterns detected from thousands of users turn into quick search shortcuts such as "City car" and "Family car.”

- Kickstarting a search avoids having to fill many form fields.


3. Upwork enables contracts between job seekers (talent) and hiring clients.


- The contracting path is optimized for speed. Both parties want to get the work under way quickly.

- Templates bootstrap and automate repetitive tasks. Why write every contract from scratch when you can extract best practices into a common library. Hint! This is what the Model Library will do in the Lyfegen Platform, watch out for a future blog post.


Lyfegen Platform mechanisms that bring speed and joy

The Lyfegen Platform enables contracts with pharmaceutical companies, healthcare payers and healthcare providers. At Lyfegen we understand that great user experience is paramount to user satisfaction. Hence, the reason why we pay critical attention to existing problems and proffer appropriate solutions to them is to create experiences that have the most long-lasting impact on the users.

What do we do differently to make these contracts fluid and useful?

- Forms: We use sensible defaults to make filling forms faster. Quick date pickers with popular date ranges (“Last month”, “This week”) help when scheduling is a big part of your work. Progressive disclosure reduces information overflow on forms – show only what the user needs to fill in right now to complete the task.

- Approvals: What is a modern way to do contract approvals? Chat threads! Users are familiar with chats from WhatsApp, Facebook and many other tools. A chat thread can be attached to virtually any item on the platform: agreements, claims, cases and refunds. The chat stays with the item so users don't lose context of what happened to the item.

- Tasks: How does the user know what they should be focusing on today? On the Home screen, the My tasks widget, email notifications, and the Recent Activity widget collect essential platform activity. You can see instantly what needs your attention today.

- Collaboration: @-mentions and chat threads offer quick resolution to questions. Tag a colleague and ask a question. They get a notification and provide an answer in the same thread. Problem resolved, move on! Chat works particularly well when conversation heats up and many users talk concurrently in real time.

- Interactive insights. Showing KPIs and key results on a dashboard is common practice. In fact, a dashboard is the favorite starting screen for many users. But charts really come alive when you interact with them. Have you used a mortgage calculator on a bank website? We also let users model alternative scenarios and see projections. “What will happen in my agreement next year if we continue like this?”

In conclusion, these are only a few examples of usage patterns that make contracting software modern and enjoyable. There is more room for improvement and the possibilities are endless. It requires the expertise which we at Lyfegen provide. Through our platform, we create brand new experiences in value-based contracting. Care to know more about contracting software? make sure to keep an eye out for our future posts.



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Lyfegen Secures additional CHF 5 Million in Series A Funding to Scale Its Drug Rebate Management Platform Globally


Lyfegen Secures additional CHF 5 Million in Series A Funding to Scale Its Drug Rebate Management Platform Globally

Basel, Switzerland / Boston, USA – December 11, 2024

Lyfegen, a global leader in drug rebate management technology, today announced the successful close of its additional CHF 5 million Series A funding round. The round was led by TX Ventures, a leading European fintech investor, with additional participation from aMoon, a global health-tech venture capital firm, and other institutional investors. This funding represents a significant milestone for Lyfegen, enabling the company to accelerate its global expansion and innovation efforts, with a focus on extending its reach beyond Europe into new markets worldwide.

Addressing Rising Drug Costs with Intelligent Drug Pricing and Rebate Solutions

The healthcare industry faces increasing challenges with rising drug costs and the complexity of managing growing volumes of rebate agreements. For payers and pharmaceutical companies, manual processes often lead to inefficiencies, compliance risks, and operational delays. Lyfegen is transforming this process with its fully automated platform that ensures secure, real-time tracking, compliance, and operational efficiency at scale.

Today, 50+ leading healthcare organizations across 8 geographical markets rely on Lyfegen’s solutions to streamline 4'000+ rebate agreements while tracking over $1 billion in pharmaceutical revenue and managing over $0.5 billion in rebates annually. These solutions enable healthcare organizations to improve pricing strategies, accelerate access to modern treatments, and better manage rebate complexities.

Learn more about Retrospective Payment System

Scaling Globally with a Leading Rebate Management Platform

Already used by healthcare payers and pharmaceutical companies in Europe, North America, and the Middle East, Lyfegen’s platform is poised for broader global deployment. By automating rebate management, the platform enables healthcare organizations to simplify complex agreements, save time, reduce errors, and enhance financial performance.

“The market for innovative and personalized treatments is expanding rapidly, but with that comes increasingly complex and costly pricing models,” says Girisha Fernando, CEO of Lyfegen. “Lyfegen’s automated solution simplifies this complexity, helping payers and pharmaceutical companies unlock the full potential of rebates while improving patient access to modern treatments. With this funding and our new partners, we’re ideally positioned to accelerate our growth and make a meaningful impact globally.”

Jens Schleuniger, Partner at TX Ventures, adds: “Lyfegen is at the forefront of innovation, offering payers and pharmaceutical companies a powerful solution to address the rising complexities of pharma rebates. We’re proud to lead this funding round and support Lyfegen’s mission to bring greater efficiency and cost savings to healthcare systems worldwide.”

About Lyfegen

Lyfegen is an independent provider of rebate management software designed for the healthcare industry. Lyfegen solutions are used by health insurances, governments, hospital payers, and pharmaceutical companies around the globe to dramatically reduce the administrative burden of managing complex drug pricing agreements and to optimize rebates and get better value from those agreements. Lyfegen maintains the world’s largest digital repository of innovative drug pricing models and public agreements and offers access to a robust drug pricing simulator designed to dynamically simulate complex drug pricing scenarios to understand the full financial impact. Headquartered in Basel, Switzerland, the company was founded in 2018 and has a market presence in Europe, North America, and the Middle East. Learn more at

About TX Ventures

TX Ventures is one of Europe’s emerging leaders in early-stage fintech investing. The venture capital fund invests predominantly in B2B Fintech across Europe - preferably in seed to series A stage. 

For more information about Lyfegen’s solutions or to schedule an interview, please contact: 

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A New Era in Canadian Healthcare: Lyfegen's CEO Discusses Groundbreaking Collaboration


A New Era in Canadian Healthcare: Lyfegen's CEO Discusses Groundbreaking Collaboration

In an industry often characterized by incremental changes, Girisha Fernando, the CEO and founder of Lyfegen, is making leaps. We sat down with Fernando to discuss the recent landmark partnership between Lyfegen and Newfoundland and Labrador Health Services—a collaboration that heralds a significant shift in the Canadian healthcare landscape.


Your partnership with Newfoundland and Labrador Health Services is quite a milestone. Can you share with us what this means for the current state of rebate management in Newfoundland?

Girisha Fernando (GF): Absolutely. This partnership is a transformative step for rebate management in Newfoundland. The current system, largely manual and complex, is ripe for innovation. With our digital platform, we're bringing a level of automation and accuracy that was previously unattainable. This means more efficient processing, less room for error, and a better allocation of resources, which is critical in healthcare.

That’s quite an advancement. And how does this impact the management of drug products, especially in areas like oncology?

GF: It’s a game-changer, especially for critical areas like oncology. Newfoundland and Labrador, as the first in Canada to use our platform, sets a precedent. The region, through the pan-Canadian Pharmaceutical Alliance, has been managing complex product listing agreements for drugs, including those for oncology. These agreements are vital for making treatments affordable. Our platform simplifies this, managing the various terms of these agreements efficiently, which is crucial for timely and affordable access to treatments.

It seems like a significant step forward for healthcare management. How does this align with the broader goals of Lyfegen?

GF: This partnership aligns perfectly with our goal to make healthcare more accessible and efficient. Automating the rebate process in Newfoundland and Labrador, especially for critical treatments in oncology, directly contributes to the sustainability and accessibility of healthcare treatments.

Looking to the future, what does this partnership mean for Lyfegen and healthcare systems globally?

GF: This is just the beginning. We're looking to extend our platform to healthcare systems around the world. Our aim is to make this technology a standard in healthcare management, fostering more efficient, sustainable, and equitable healthcare systems globally.

Read more about the partnership in the official press release.

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Lyfegen Launches the World's Largest Database of Value-Based Drug Agreements


Lyfegen Launches the World's Largest Database of Value-Based Drug Agreements

New York, NY - March 29, 2023 - Lyfegen, a global healthtech SaaS company driving the world’s transition from volume to value-based healthcare for high-cost drugs, announced at the World EPA Congress the launch of its latest solution: the Model & Agreement Library. The purpose of the library is to help payers and pharma negotiate better drug prices while providing an in-depth view on current international drug pricing models and value-based agreements. The database library serves as the basis for successful drug pricing negotiations, resulting in accelerated access and drug prices better aligned to their value for the patient.


The shift towards value-based healthcare, rather than volume-based, has been steadily increasing over the years. This evolution has further reinforced Lyfegen's mission to remain at the forefront of analytics and digital automated solutions for the healthcare sector. Indoing so, Lyfegen’s solutions help to accelerate access and increase affordability of healthcare treatments.


“Because of rising healthcare costs and the increase of medical innovations, the thirst for knowledge and need for value-based healthcare capabilities has surged among healthcare payers, and pharma companies across the world”, said Girisha Fernando, CEO of Lyfegen. “That is why we are so excited about launching the world’s largest database of real-world value-based agreements. It gives payers, and pharma a unique insight into how to structure value-based agreements.”

The Lyfegen Model & Agreement Library was developed as an accelerated negotiation resource for both manufacturers and payers – allowing them to save on time, money; and for the first time – an opportunity to learn at their own pace without incurring large research projects or hiring expensive external experts. Users of the library are now enabled to make informed decisions in determining the most suitable drug pricing models and agreements for their products.

The database holds over 2'500+ public value-based agreements and 18+ drug pricing models – spanning across 550 drugs,35 disease areas and 150 pharma companies. Its search capabilities are spread across product, country, drug manufacturer and payer – with all the knowledge, insights, current pricing and reimbursement activities shown in near real-timeacross the industry.

“Just an academic taxonomy of models is intellectually exciting but it's not really helping your typical customer”, said Jens Grüger, Director and Partner at Boston Consulting Group (BCG). “The Lyfegen Platform goes several steps further. Payers and pharma have a problem and they want a solution. The Lyfegen Model & Agreement Library is practical. It offers case examples.”

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Get personalized advice and take the next step in optimizing your healthcare strategy with innovative solutions designed for the pharmaceutical industry.

The Model & Agreement Library lets the user see the specifics of agreements reached between manufacturers and payers, including which disease areas and drug/device innovations were targeted. This market-leading database allows for one-to-one comparisons of agreements while heightening increased leverage during the negotiations process.

“I like having a palette of contracts that fall under different domains, like disease state, the way the drug is administered, or available evidence. There are different ways to make a contract attractive to us, to pharma, and to our physicians”, said Chester Good, Senior Medical Director Center for Value Based Pharmacy Initiatives at UPMC Health Plan.

This resource represents a breakthrough in the healthcare industry that facilitates the sharing of knowledge – a strong point of discussion that is becoming increasingly more important. Lyfegen is currently providing a limited time opportunity for industry professionals who are interested to try out the Model & Agreement Library with a complimentary 7-day trial.

Learn more and start your free trial now

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Swiss health insurance Sympany implements Lyfegen Platform to efficiently execute complex value & data-driven agreements for high-priced medication.


Swiss health insurance Sympany implements Lyfegen Platform to efficiently execute complex value & data-driven agreements for high-priced medication.


Basel, Switzerland, October 27, 2021

Lyfegen announces that Swiss health insurance Sympany is using the Lyfegen Platform to implement & execute complex drug pricing models. Sympany applies the Lyfegen Platform to execute and efficiently manage all value and data-driven pricing models. Sympany gains efficiency and transparency in managing pricing models with the Lyfegen Platform. It offers many pricing models, including pay-for-performance, combination therapy and indication-based models.


The Lyfegen Software Platform digitalises all pricing models and automates the management and execution of these agreements between health insurances and pharmaceutical companies. This is done using real-world data and machine learning enabled algorithms. With the Lyfegen Platform, Sympany is also creating the basis for sustainably handling the increasing number of value-based healthcare agreements for drugs and personalized Cell and Gene therapies. These new pricing models allow health insurances to better manage their financial risk by only paying for drugs and therapies that benefit patients.


"The Lyfegen Platform helps Sympany execute complex pricing models efficiently, securely and transparently. We are pleased to extend our pioneering role in the health insurance industry by working with Lyfegen. This is another step for Sympany to provide our customers with the best possible access to therapies in a sustainable way," says Nico Camuto, Head of Benefits at Sympany, about the use of the Lyfegen Platform.

Girisha Fernando, CEO of Lyfegen, says: "We are very proud to support Sympany in strengthening its focus on value creation, efficiency and transparency amidst the growing complexity of pricing models. It is clear that the trend is increasingly towards complex pay-for-performance arrangements. Ultimately, our goal is to help patients receive their much-needed treatments while helping health insurances better manage risk and cost."

The Lyfegen Platform aims to help patients access innovative medicines and treatments by enabling innovative drug pricing agreements. The Platform collects and analyzes real-time pricing data, allowing health insurances and pharmaceutical companies to obtain relevant information on drug benefits and related financial planning.


About Sympany

Sympany is the refreshingly different insurance company that offers tailored protection and unbureaucratic assistance. Sympany is active in the health and accident insurance business for private individuals and companies, as well as in the property and liability insurance business, and is headquartered in Basel. The group of companies under the umbrella of Sympany Holding AG comprises the insurance companies Vivao Sympany AG, Moove Sympany AG, Kolping Krankenkasse AG, and Sympany Versicherungen AG, as well as the service company Sympany Services AG.

In 2020, profit amounted to CHF 68.8 million, of which Sympany allocated CHF 27.5 million to the surplus fund for the benefit of its policyholders. Total premium volume amounted to CHF 1,058 million. With 575 employees, the company serves around 257,100 private customers, of which around 204,500 are basic insurance policyholders under the KVG. In the corporate customer business, Sympany offers loss of earnings and accident insurance.

More about Sympany:


About Lyfegen

Lyfegen is an independent, global software analytics company providing a value and outcome-based agreement platform for Health Insurances, Pharma, MedTech & Hospitals around the globe. The secure Lyfegen Platform identifies and operationalizes value-based payment models cost-effectively and at scale using a variety of real-world data and machine learning. With Lyfegen’s patent-pending platform, Health Insurances & Hospitals can implement and scale value-based healthcare, improving access to treatments, patient health outcomes and affordability.

Lyfegen is based in the USA & Switzerland and has been founded by individuals with decades of experience in healthcare, pharma & technology to enable the shift away from volume-based and fee-for-service healthcare to value-based healthcare.

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Breaking News: Lyfegen platform supports Johnson & Johnson to further drive value-based healthcare strategy


Breaking News: Lyfegen platform supports Johnson & Johnson to further drive value-based healthcare strategy


Basel, Switzerland, August 3rd, 2021

Lyfegen announces that its value-based healthcare contracting platform has been implemented together with Johnson & Johnson Medical Devices Companies Switzerland (Johnson & Johnson) and a leading Swiss Hospital.  


Through this new value-based healthcare approach, Lyfegen and its partners drive the shift towards what matters most to patients: improved patient health outcomes and more efficient use of financial and human resources, enabling a sustainable post-COVID-19 healthcare environment.  


The shift towards a value-based healthcare in Switzerland and globally can only be achieved through the support of innovative technologies. Lyfegen’s platform is a key enabler for this transition. The platform digitalises and automates the execution of value-based healthcare agreements, paving the way for the resource-efficient scaling of such novel agreements.   


“COVID-19 has shown us the urgent need for a more sustainable healthcare system. With the implementation of value-based healthcare agreements on the Lyfegen platform, we are extremely proud to help Johnson & Johnson and hospitals to accelerate the transition to value-based healthcare and improve patient health outcomes at reduced cost.” says Lyfegen’s CEO, Girisha Fernando.

Lyfegen's compliant, secure and patent-protected value-based healthcare contracting platform automates the collection and analysis of patient-level data. Users receive transparency on actionable health outcomes and agreement performance. Lyfegen’s contribution to this partnership is a blueprint for the scaling of value-based healthcare models across hospitals, health insurances, medical device & pharma companies globally. The partnership marks another important milestone for Lyfegen, as the company continues to grow and has recently opened its next investment round.  




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The tech team is growing at full-speed! Welcome to the Lyfegen team, tech-genius Dima!


The tech team is growing at full-speed! Welcome to the Lyfegen team, tech-genius Dima!

He loves innovative tech and spending his free time reading Hi-tech books! Yes, we are proud to announce Lyfegen’s latest addition to the Kiev team: “Full-Stack Developer”, Dima Guzyk!

“Dima is extremely talented and with his passion to develop new and exciting technology that helps patients, Lyfegen’s products will reach new levels. We are very proud to have him in the team! ” says Lyfegen’s CEO, Girisha Fernando.

We sat down with him to give you a little more insight behind the book-loving “Full-Stack Developer”:

Hi Dima! Tell us a little about yourself: where are you from and what is your work experience background?

Hello! I’ve lived in Kiev almost all my life. This is such a beautiful city. For any lifestyle or interest, the city offers amazing opportunities to live out your dreams!

Regarding my work experience: After I graduated from university, I started working at Intellect Service, the biggest electronic document flow solutions developer in Ukraine. Gradually, my professional and communication skills developed and I became Team Lead of the company’s product. It was a great experience and led me to stay with them for 5 years!

My latest experience was at KPMG as a Software Engineer, where I participated in the development of various corporate information systems. Only after a short year, I had the fantastic opportunity to grow and take over the role of Senior Software Engineer.

This is your first experience in the Health Tech industry – what triggered this move?

This is my first experience in the Health Tech industry and I’m so happy! Working at Lyfegen gives even a tech development job a greater purpose: my work will indirectly support greater access for patients to innovative therapies – helping to save lives!

You are joining Lyfegen as a Full-Stack Developer. In simple terms: what will you be working on?

I participate in all the stages of software development, following the business requirements. In addition, I also analyze the domain in detail, propose architectural solutions to the problems we discover, write code, write unit tests, and help with creation of a reliable, scalable and secure application environment! In simple terms, I will bring the technical solutions of Lyfegen to life!

What are your next personal goals with Lyfegen?

My goal is to constantly discover new approaches and technologies, being able to make comparisons between them and implement the best to the work I do.

What motivated you to join?

When I discovered what Lyfegen was doing, giving patients worldwide access to innovative therapies, I knew I had to be a part of the team! Innovative therapies are necessary for humankind – it’s just that no one has been able to make these more accessible to a wider range of patients. This greater purpose and the impact that this technology has, was the key driver!

Enough about work! What passions do you have outside of Lyfegen?

I am an incredibly curious person! I have a wide range of passions that interest me but most of all I enjoy reading historical and Hi-tech books and magazines.

We are proud to have the Lyfegen team continue to grow with such fantastic team-members!



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Our new Customer Success Hero: Welcome to the Lyfegen team, Simon Amstutz!


Our new Customer Success Hero: Welcome to the Lyfegen team, Simon Amstutz!

The Lyfegen Team is proud to announce that as of this month, Simon has taken on the new role of “Customer Success Hero” at Lyfegen!

Simon joined Lyfegen 6 months ago as a working student and very quickly, full of motivation and enthusiasm, took on important responsibilities. Supporting Nico in the management of Lyfegen’s customer relations, which include some of the largest pharma companies worldwide, Simon will be accompanying the customers during the entire journey starting with supporting the customer’s in identifying suitable models up to the continuous support of Lyfegen's solutions. By gaining a comprehensive understanding of Lyfegen's customers' needs, he will also be working together with the technical development team to further enhance Lyfegen's solutions.

We are proud to have him as part of the team and sat down with him to give you a little more insight behind the bike-riding, FIFA-loving, “Customer Success Hero”!

Hi Simon, so tell us: why are you leaving large corporates like Roche and UBS to join the start-up Lyfegen?

After working at these two large corporates for several years I felt like I needed to see something completely different outside the corporate world. I was getting too much into a routine and wanted to take on a new challenge. I always had this entrepreneurial spirit in me and when I got the chance to start at Lyfegen, I didn’t have to think twice. Lyfegen offers me the perfect environment and has a great purpose.

You are working already since January 2020 at Lyfegen; what fascinates you the most?

I am really fascinated by the huge enthusiasm and passion of the whole team! Everyone here is very dedicated to leading Lyfegen to success and to driving value-based healthcare forward. I am also fascinated with how many new things I learn every single day and I am very delighted about how much responsibility I could already take over in this short time.

How do you experience the collaboration with the team?

The team has a great spirit and I felt very welcome and involved from the first second. The communication within the team is very transparent and open-minded. Issues can be addressed openly and critique is always given in a constructive way.

Healthcare is changing to value- and data driven models. How do you experience this change with our customers?

Our customers are all very interested in value- and data driven healthcare, but these models are often a new experience for them. With our technical solutions and our know-how, we support our clients to make the transition to value-based healthcare happen. We are now at a stage where we are pioneers and proactively shape the future environment for such models together with our clients.

What are your personal next goals with Lyfegen?

My personal goal is to further grow with the company. Growing not only personally by gaining more experience and continuously taking over more and more responsibility, but also to help Lyfegen achieve its next milestones. I am looking forward to be part of this journey.

We currently have two open positions - What are your recommendation for other talents that are applying at Lyfegen?

If you are applying at Lyfegen I recommend you to be aware of what it means to work in a start-up. You need to be ready to step outside your comfort-zone, be willing to actively drive things forward and take ownership. If this is what you are looking for, then Lyfegen is the perfect fit for you. Lyfegen offers you the perfect environment to further develop yourself and to work on exciting projects that have a real impact and a great purpose, helping patients to access innovative therapies.

Enough about work! What passions do you have outside of Lyfegen?

I love bike racing and being in nature! I can often be found on weekends biking my way up hills and testing my limits! It’s a great way to disconnect and focus on nature. But I’m not always in nature – I must admit, I do love playing video games too, especially FIFA (and am the proud winner of our last Lyfegen FIFA tournament – yes, the team got together for a 8 hour challenge one weekend!). Work hard, play hard!

We are proud to have the Lyfegen team continue to grow with such fantastic team-members!




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A new face is on board! Welcome to Lyfegen, Tech-Guru Andrei


A new face is on board! Welcome to Lyfegen, Tech-Guru Andrei

We are pleased to welcome the latest addition to our tech team! Andrei joins Lyfegen as a full-stack developer. He brings his wealth of backend and frontend experience to elevate our platform.

"I am excited to welcome Andrei to our Tech Team as a talented and motivated Full-Stack developer. Andrei brings great skills and knowledge to our team and will support us in further building our applications." Says CTO, Frederico Braga.

To introduce our newest addition, we interviewed Andrei.

Welcome to the Team, Andrei! Tell us a little about yourself.

Hi! My name is Andrei. I am from Romania, and I graduated from the Technical University of Cluj Napoca. In the last seven years, I have worked as a software developer at different companies and with different technologies like .net, iOS, Angular, Typescript, MSSQL, Mongo DB, SoapUI.

What drives you to be a full-stack developer?

I chose to be a full developer because I like to be involved in every phase of a software application, from the UI side to the server. In the last eight years, the modern technologies used for building stack server-side applications and client-side applications became much easier to use, which allows us to learn multiple technologies on both sides.

What motivated you to join Lyfegen?

At the beginning of my career, I worked for another startup company. I remember my satisfaction when someone used our product, and I want to feel that again. Lyfegen is giving me many opportunities to positively impact the world because we are driving things in the right direction. I consider value-based contracts the best solution for patients, healthcare payers and Pharma companies.

What is your first impression as of now?

I like and appreciate the whole team. All my colleagues have brilliant ideas that are bringing the Lyfegen platform to its best form. The Lyfegen platform is one of the strongest I have seen so far in my career, and this is because everyone has a voice within the team.

How will your know-how help the Lyfegen customers experience our platform the best way possible?

Throughout my career, I have worked on several big projects in different fields providing technical solutions for different problems on the frontend side and the backend side. These experiences have taught me the importance of accessibility features, and I would like to bring that knowledge to improve the user experience of Lyfegen users. I can help the Lyfegen customers better interact with the platform in terms of performance.

What is something you want to learn or improve this year?

I am looking forward to improving my understanding of the healthcare and pharmaceutical industry. From a technical perspective, I'm excited to work and learn Grandstack technologies.

What passions do you pursue outside of work?

I love to play board games, tennis and football. During the summer weekends, I like to go hiking, and in winter, I enjoy skiing. I also have an interest in politics, and I try to stay updated with trends in the IT industry because of my passion for new technologies.

What else are you looking forward to?

I look forward to deepening my relationship with my teammates. I strongly believe that working in an atmosphere that promotes teamwork makes our lives much more enjoyable. At the same time, it has a positive impact on the project.



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Welcome to the Lyfegen Team, Mastermind-Developer, Thungu!


Welcome to the Lyfegen Team, Mastermind-Developer, Thungu!

He loves innovation and thrives on solving problems using code. Besides developing and studying he plays basketball, travels and reads. We are proud to welcome the newest talent to the Lyfegen team: “Junior Developer” Thungu!

“The motivation and the skills of Thungu are undisputed. Among other things, that is what makes him and Lyfegen a perfect match. Constant evolution and progression are some of the most important objectives at Lyfegen, that is why Thungu will join our Team to help us add new UI components to our products and automate our testing processes in coordination with the UI/UX designers and Business Analysts, resulting in a higher overall quality and user satisfaction of our products. We are looking forward to work with Thungu here at Lyfegen.” Says CTO, Frederico Braga

To introduce our newest talented team member, we virtually sat down with Thungu for an interview.

Welcome to the team Thungu! Tell us a little about yourself.

Hi, my name is Thungu, and I am from Colombo, Sri Lanka. I am a Software Engineering undergraduate at the University of Westminster in my second year while working here at Lyfegen. I also volunteer for the IEEE student branch of my university to organize hackathons, webinars and other tech related events.

What drives you to be a developer?

I love figuring things out, exploring new technologies and solving problems with code. When facing challenges as a developer I always explore the “yes” and try to figure things out before accepting a “no”. That figuring out part is what drives me to be a better developer and what I enjoy mostly about being a developer.

What was your motivation to join Lyfegen?

I wanted my first work experience to be in an innovative company which has a positive impact on the world and when I got to know what Lyfegen does, I knew this was it. With value-based healthcare in its early stages, I see it’s huge potential and the unprecedented value it brings towards humanity. I knew I had to be a part of this great journey!

What are your first impressions so far?

It has been a very pleasant experience. I am enjoying the startup culture - everyone is very close, friendly and welcoming. The flexibility at Lyfegen is one of the things that I appreciate most, as it is really important for me to have an evenly work and university life balance. I am also very impressed by how dynamic and motivated the team is. Everyone is ready to move mountains for patients!

How will you improve the customer experience on the Lyfegen platform?

I will be focusing mainly on Frontend Development and Testing which includes building new components with the help of our Kateryna, our UI/UX designer and testing the functionalities of our products together with Pavlo.

What do you want to learn and improve this year?

I am looking forward to improving my skills and helping Lyfegen in other stages of Software Development in addition to Frontend Development and Testing. I also want to improve my understanding of the healthcare industry.

What are you especially looking forward to as you take on this new role?

Although I enjoy all the virtual coffees, I am very much looking forward to meeting everyone in person someday. I’m also looking forward to grow as a professional and becoming a better and experienced developer. I feel very grateful to work with such an amazing team of experienced developers and other team members.

What passions do you pursue outside of work?

I love to play basketball, create travel videos and also photography is my passion. I read books focusing on life and spirituality, I learn new technologies, and sometimes I play the guitar.

We are proud to welcome Thungu to the Lyfegen team!




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Our team is growing! Welcome to Lyfegen, Tech-Genius Giancarlo!


Our team is growing! Welcome to Lyfegen, Tech-Genius Giancarlo!

We are thrilled to announce that our tech team continues to grow: A warm welcome to Giancarlo, Lyfegen’s new Full-Stack Developer! With his background as a security engineer, he knows how to make our platform even safer!

“I am excited to welcome Giancarlo to our Tech Team as a Full-Stack developer. Giancarlo’s experience in the areas of Machine Learning, Security and Software Development are critical to our long term success and development of the Lyfegen Platform.” Says CTO, Frederico Braga

To introduce our newest team member, we virtually interviewed Giancarlo.

Welcome to the team Giancarlo! Tell us a little about yourself.

My name is Giancarlo and I live in Chur, Switzerland. I hold a bachelor’s degree in computer science. I previously worked as a security engineer, designing and implementing big data applications at a Swiss telecom company. At Lyfegen I will be working on improving our platform as a full stack developer.

What drives you to be a full stack developer?

For me, the variety of tasks is the biggest appeal of being a full stack developer: One day you could be working on low level database tasks and the next day on implementing user-interface (UI) elements. This keeps the job challenging and interesting!

What motivated you to join Lyfegen?

Until now, I was working for a rather big company where my impact was small. I wanted to change that. At Lyfegen I am able to create something meaningful from the ground up.

What is your first impression as of now?

My first impression was very positive: The people at Lyfegen are kind, helpful and smart. A perfect mix in my opinion! I’m looking forward to all the interesting tasks, complex problems and engaging conversations with my colleagues.

How will your know-how help the Lyfegen customers experience our platform the best way possible?

As a former security engineer, I know the most common threats and pitfalls when it comes to creating a software. I hope to use my expierence and knowledge to make our platform safer and more resilient to potential threats in the future.

What is something you want to learn or improve this year?

In previous jobs I was mainly developing backend applications. This year I want to improve on the frontend side and learn new technologies when it comes to graph databases. I always wanted to improve my Italian, so maybe 2021 is the year where I take some time to do just that!

What passions do you pursue outside of work?

I play lacrosse in our local club twice a week. Food is another passion of mine: I also love to cook and try new restaurants. On rainy Sundays, you’ll find me playing boardgames or Dungeons and Dragons with my friends.



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Principales Fabricantes y Pagadores en Brasil


Principales Fabricantes y Pagadores en Brasil

En Brasil, encontramos que los principales fabricantes que proponen contratos basados en el valor fueron Novartis, Pfizer, J&J Innovative Medicine y Roche. Entre los pagadores, identificamos 21 aseguradoras privadas entre 2021 y 2024. También agregamos a ANVISA (Agencia Nacional de Vigilancia Sanitaria de Brasil) y la Comisión Nacional de Incorporación de Tecnologías en el Sistema Único de Salud (CONITEC), el organismo de evaluación de tecnologías sanitarias (ETS) de Brasil.

Áreas Terapéuticas

Las áreas terapéuticas que identificamos en los acuerdos públicos de Brasil incluyen:

  • Enfermedades infecciosas
  • Oncología
  • Enfermedades metabólicas
  • Cardiovascular
  • Hematología

Modelos de Precios

Nuevos modelos de precios de Brasil incluyen:

  • Cobertura restringida
  • Descuento fijo
  • Cobertura con desarrollo de evidencia
  • Garantía de resultados
  • Límite de presupuesto

Acuerdos Destacados

Estos acuerdos se destacan porque abordan enfermedades raras y de alto costo, y demuestran enfoques únicos para el acceso a medicamentos y reembolsos, incluyendo cobertura con desarrollo de evidencia, garantías de resultados y pagos a plazos.

Fibrosis Quística:

  1. Orkambi (2024): CED, Cobertura restringida, Pagos a plazos
  1. Trikafta (2023): CED, Garantía de resultados, Cobertura restringida
  1. Kalydeco (2020): CED, Cobertura restringida

Atrofia Muscular Espinal Infantil:

  1. Zolgensma (2022): Garantía de resultados, CED, Pagos a plazos

Cáncer de Ovario:

  1. Lynparza (2022): Cobertura restringida, CED (con aseguradoras privadas)

Principales Fabricantes:

  • Novartis
  • Varios fabricantes (para genéricos)
  • Pfizer
  • J&J Innovative Medicine
  • Roche

Entendiendo el Proceso de ETS para la Aprobación de Medicamentos en Brasil

En Brasil, el proceso de Evaluación de Tecnologías Sanitarias (ETS) es gestionado por ANVISA y la Comisión Nacional de Incorporación de Tecnologías en el Sistema Único de Salud (CONITEC). El proceso incluye varios pasos:

  1. Aplicación: Las compañías solicitan que sus medicamentos sean evaluados.
  1. Evaluación: ANVISA y CONITEC evalúan los medicamentos.
  1. Negociación y fijación de precios: Se negocian precios y términos.
  1. Inclusión: Los medicamentos aprobados se incorporan al sistema con precios establecidos.
  1. Reembolso: Los medicamentos listados son reembolsados bajo el sistema de salud pública.

A medida que Brasil se convierte en un mercado clave para las empresas farmacéuticas, nuestra biblioteca ofrece información esencial para ayudarle a ingresar a este mercado de manera eficiente y antes que la competencia.

Para obtener más información sobre los acuerdos de acceso a medicamentos en Brasil o acceder a nuestra biblioteca, reserve una demostración con nosotros hoy:

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Explorando Contratos Basados en el Valor: Acuerdos Públicos Destacados en Canadá, Dinamarca y Brasil


Explorando Contratos Basados en el Valor: Acuerdos Públicos Destacados en Canadá, Dinamarca y Brasil

En este blog, seleccionamos acuerdos específicos en Canadá, Dinamarca y Brasil. Cada uno de estos acuerdos varía, y los elegimos para que pueda ver cómo los fabricantes abordan el acceso al mercado para diferentes medicamentos y regiones. Los contratos basados en el valor en estos mercados aceleran el acceso de los pacientes mientras comparten el riesgo financiero entre la industria farmacéutica y los pagadores, una situación en la que todos ganan.

Trikafta (Elexacaftor-Tezacaftor-Ivacaftor, Vertex Pharmaceuticals)

  • Indicación: Fibrosis quística
  • País: Canadá
  • Tipo de acuerdo: Cobertura con desarrollo de evidencia (CED), cobertura restringida, garantía basada en resultados.
  • Fecha: Julio 2022

La Agencia Canadiense de Medicamentos y Tecnologías en Salud requiere una reducción del 94% en el precio de Trikafta para que el tratamiento sea rentable. Los niños con fibrosis quística de entre 2 y 5 años son evaluados después de 1 año, para demostrar que se benefician del tratamiento. Los pacientes deben cumplir con una serie de criterios para ser elegibles para el tratamiento, lo que convierte al acuerdo en una combinación de cobertura con desarrollo de evidencia, cobertura restringida y basada en resultados.

Trikafta ya había sido aprobado para su uso en niños mayores de 6 años, pero realizar un ensayo clínico en niños de entre dos y cinco años se consideró “éticamente desafiante”. Sin embargo, un ensayo no controlado en este grupo de edad encontró que el tratamiento fue bien tolerado y redujo los biomarcadores de la condición. Para abordar las necesidades no satisfechas, reconociendo la falta de datos en esta población de pacientes, se negoció un contrato de CED con una reducción drástica en el precio.

Orkambi (lumacaftor/ivacaftor, Vertex Pharmaceuticals)

  • Indicación: Fibrosis quística
  • País: Brasil
  • Tipo de acuerdo: Cobertura restringida, CED
  • Fecha: Abril 2024

El Ministerio de Salud de Brasil llegó a un acuerdo con Vertex para permitir el acceso restringido a este tratamiento, mientras monitorea regularmente a los pacientes a los 30 días y a los 3 meses después de iniciar el tratamiento. El acuerdo incluye reembolsos si el tratamiento no logra los resultados clínicos deseados, alineando los precios con la efectividad.

Kalydeco (ivacaftor, Vertex Pharmaceuticals)

  • Indicación: Fibrosis quística
  • País: Dinamarca
  • Tipo de acuerdo: Acuerdo de precio-volumen; precios de cartera
  • Fecha: Octubre 2018

El organismo de adquisición danés, Amgros, y Vertex Pharmaceuticals llegaron a un acuerdo que proporciona acceso a una cartera de medicamentos para la fibrosis quística, incluyendo Orkambi (lumacaftor/ivacaftor) y futuras terapias, en 2019. A pesar de que esto ocurrió hace cinco años, es un excelente ejemplo de precios basados en cartera, donde los pagadores acuerdan pagar una tarifa fija por un grupo de medicamentos relacionados. Cuantos más pacientes los utilicen, menor será el precio por paciente.

Lynparza (Olaparib, AstraZeneca)

  • Indicación: Cáncer de ovario
  • País: Brasil
  • Tipo de acuerdo: Cobertura restringida, garantía basada en resultados
  • Fecha: Mayo 2022

Este acuerdo se realizó entre AstraZeneca y aseguradoras privadas en todo Brasil. El tratamiento se pone a disposición sin costos adicionales para el paciente y combina características de cobertura restringida con garantías de resultados. La cobertura continua depende de lograr una respuesta parcial o completa.

Zolgensma (onasemnogene abeparvovec, Novartis)

  • Indicación: Atrofia muscular espinal (AME)
  • País: Brasil
  • Tipo de acuerdo: Garantía de resultados, CED, pagos a plazos
  • Fecha: Diciembre, 2022

La terapia génica de Novartis, Zolgensma, se reembolsa en función de la necesidad de evidencia adicional, conocida como cobertura con desarrollo de evidencia. Esto implica usar la cobertura como un medio para obtener evidencia del mundo real, para compensar la falta de datos robustos de pacientes provenientes del ensayo clave. El acuerdo también divide el riesgo entre los pagadores y los fabricantes, al vincular el reembolso con los resultados obtenidos. Debido al gran potencial de la terapia para mejorar la calidad de vida de los niños con AME, el acuerdo permite que los pacientes elegibles comiencen a recibir el tratamiento rápidamente.

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How Spain is Preparing for Europe’s New Regulation


How Spain is Preparing for Europe’s New Regulation

To streamline the HTA process across EU member states, sweeping changes will go into effect in January of 2025. Instead of manufacturers of new health technologies needing to submit clinical data to each member state, under Regulation (EU) 2021/2282, the assessment will be conducted jointly. Manufacturers will only need to submit clinical assessments once, but member states can still conduct complementary assessments.

Important to note are the 9 assessment domains, of which 4 are clinical and 5 are non-clinical. The 4 clinical assessments include:  

  • Evaluation of the disease and the current treatment landscape
  • Examination of the new health technology
  • Safety
  • Effectiveness

The 5 non-clinical domains include:  

  • Cost and economic evaluation
  • Ethics
  • Organizational impacts
  • Social impacts
  • Legal aspects

Spain released its Draft Royal Decree on the 12th of August, which is open for comments until the 20th of September, outlining how they will align with the Directive. This effort involves the Office for the Evaluation of the Efficiency of Medicines operating as a functional unit under the Spanish Agency of Medicines and Medical Devices (AEMPS).

In addition to joint clinical assessments in Europe, there will also be joint scientific consultations. The goal of this Directive is to reduce duplicate administrative work and remove barriers to innovation while aiming to improve patient outcomes.  

As these changes reshape the landscape, it's crucial for pharmaceutical and medical technology companies to adapt swiftly. Lyfegen can help you stay ahead with our cutting-edge solutions:

- Navigate New Regulatory Requirements: Access our extensive Agreements Library, featuring over 5,000+ public drug pricing agreements and 20 pricing models, to ensure compliance with the latest HTA standards.

- Optimize Decision-Making: Utilize our Drug Contracting Simulator to create data-driven business cases and run real-time simulations that align with Spain's new HTA guidelines.

- Streamline and Automate Contracting: Our Rebate Analytics solutions automate rebate and refund calculations, ensuring accuracy, transparency, and a significant reduction in administrative burdens.

Book a demo with us today to explore how Lyfegen’s tools and expertise can support your business under Spain’s new HTA framework.
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Medicare Part D’s 2025 Overhaul


Medicare Part D’s 2025 Overhaul

A major change to Medicare Part D will go into effect next year, as a result of the Inflation Reduction Act. Most notably, the cap on out-of-pocket expenditures will be reduced from $3,300 to $2,000.  

  • Beneficiaries will be able to enroll in the Medicare Prescription Payment Plan, which involves monthly payments of under $200 instead of a lump sum at the pharmacy.  
  • The share of total drug costs will change. This year, 20% of catastrophic coverage costs are covered by the Part D plan and 80% by Medicare. Next year, 60% will be covered by Part D, only 20% by Medicare, and 20% by the manufacturer.  
  • The 5% coinsurance requirement will be eliminated, which will save patients thousands in out-of-pocket costs, especially for those on more expensive medications.  

This brings us to another major development.  

Update to Medicare Drug Price Negotiation Program

CMS announced its selection of 10 drugs that were negotiated down in price, on August 15th. The selected drugs were identified as “single source drugs,” meaning there is no generic or biosimilar equivalent, and there is unlikely to be so in the near future. The new prices are estimated to save $6 billion in net prescription drug costs, representing a 22% reduction in spending. The new prices will go into effect on the 1st of January, 2026.  

As the pharmaceutical industry goes through these changes, it’s crucial to have the right tools in place. This is where Lyfegen comes into play with its cutting-edge solutions like the Drug Contracting Simulator, an innovative tool designed to help Market Access and Pricing teams stay ahead in this landscape:

💡 𝗘𝗳𝗳𝗶𝗰𝗶𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗹𝘆 𝗠𝗼𝗱𝗲𝗹 𝗣𝗿𝗶𝗰𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗦𝗰𝗲𝗻𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗼𝘀: Build and test a wide range of drug rebate contracts, allowing you to quickly assess the impact on gross-to-net revenue and costs.

🤝 𝗖𝗼𝗹𝗹𝗮𝗯𝗼𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗣𝘂𝗿𝗽𝗼𝘀𝗲-𝗕𝘂𝗶𝗹𝘁: Move away from Excel-based tools with our dedicated platform, designed for Market Access and Pricing teams, and re-usable across different markets and assets.

⚡ 𝗙𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿, 𝗕𝗲𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗔𝗴𝗿𝗲𝗲𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀: Streamline the creation of rebate agreements in a collaborative environment, helping you respond more effectively to new pricing pressures.Don’t miss out on staying ahead in this new regulatory environment. Book a demo with us today:

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Brazil’s Key Manufacturers and Payers


Brazil’s Key Manufacturers and Payers

In Brazil, we found that the main manufacturers proposing value-based contracts were Novartis, Pfizer, J&J Innovative Medicine, and Roche. Among payers, we identified 21 private insurers between 2021 and 2024. We also added ANVISA (Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency) and the National Commission for the Incorporation of Technologies in the Unified Health System (CONITEC), Brazil’s health technology assessment (HTA) body.  

Therapeutic Areas  

The therapeutic areas we identified in Brazil’s public agreements include:

  • Infectious diseases
  • Oncology
  • Metabolic diseases
  • Cardiovascular
  • Hematology

Pricing Models

New pricing models from Brazil include:  

  • Restricted coverage
  • Fixed discount
  • Coverage with evidence development
  • Outcome guarantee
  • Budget cap

Featured Agreements

These agreements are highlighted because they address high-cost, rare diseases and demonstrate unique approaches to drug access and reimbursement, including coverage with evidence development, outcome guarantees, and installment payments

Cystic Fibrosis:

  1. Orkambi (2024): CED, Restricted coverage, Installments
  1. Trikafta (2023): CED, Outcome guarantee, Restricted coverage
  1. Kalydeco (2020): CED, Restricted coverage

Infantile Spinal Muscular Atrophy:

  1. Zolgensma (2022): Outcome guarantee, CED, Installment

Ovarian Cancer:

  1. Lynparza (2022): Restricted coverage, CED (with private insurers)

Main Manufacturers:

  • Novartis
  • Various manufacturers (for generics)
  • Pfizer
  • J&J Innovative Medicine
  • Roche

Understanding the HTA Process for Drug Approval in Brazil

In Brazil, the Health Technology Assessment (HTA) process is managed by ANVISA & the National Commission for the Incorporation of Technologies in the Unified Health System (CONITEC). The process involves several steps:

  1. Application: Companies apply for their drugs to be assessed.
  1. Evaluation: ANVISA & CONITEC assess the drugs.
  1. Negotiation and Pricing: Prices and terms are negotiated.
  1. Inclusion: Successful drugs are incorporated into the system with set prices.
  1. Reimbursement: Listed drugs are reimbursed under the public health system.

As Brazil becomes a key market for Pharma companies, our library offers essential information to help you enter this market efficiently and ahead of the competition.

To learn more about Brazil’s Drug Access Agreements or get access to our library, book a demo with us today:

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